As the name suggested the INSERT statement help us to insert values to a table. SQ L queries for perform the INSERT operation are the following. If you want to insert values for the entire table, you can use the following query. INSERT INTO Table_Name VALUES(value_1, value_2,.........value_n); Example: INSERT INTO Student VALUES('RESHMI', 'MAVELIKARA', 121, 350); It is note that the string values are always associated with single or double quotes. ( '' or "" ). The query execution in MySQL is shown bellow. If you don't want to insert the entire table, then you can use the following query. INSERT INTO Table_Name (column_1, column_2,..... column_n) VALUES (value_1, value_2,.........value_n); Example: If i want to insert values only for columns name and address of table Student , then i use the following query. INSERT INTO Student (name, address) VALUES ('RUPESH', ...