Syntax: for(initialisation; condition; updating) { statements; } Execution flow of a for loop is given bellow. step 1 : Perform the initialisation step 2 : Check the condition, if condition is false then exit the loop, otherwise continue step 3 : Execute the loop body step 4 : Perform the updating and go to step 2. You can see that the initialization perform only once for the loop. The loop cycles through the condition, loop body and the updation till the condition become a false one. Condition is always a boolean one. The loop componenets are seperates by semicoloun (;) not by commas (,) Example: for (int i = 0; i< 5; i++) { System.out.println(" Greetings from easy way 2 in "); } It is possible to use multiple initialization and updation in a for loop, but seperates them with commas. If multiple condition is used then connects them with any of the logical operators (AND, OR, NOT....)The following is also ...